What is ESMR?
Extracorporeal shockwave myocardial revascularization or ESMR is a new Non-invasive therapy that uses extracorporeal shockwave technology to improve the blood’s supply to the heart.
The conventional revascularization therapies, such as bypass surgery are unable to access ischemic myocardial areas. However, ESMR therapy offers the best solution to treat and overcome the symptoms of Myocardial Ischemia.
Due to advancements in technology and developments in the medical field, medical treatments used to treat an array of medical problems keep evolving as well. ESMR therapy has emerged as an effective treatment to enhance the supply of blood to the heart muscles. This blog will highlight everything you need to understand about the ESMR treatment.
Pune Chelation is one of the best hospitals for an ESMR treatment in Pune. The ESMR treatment is one of the safest and effective ways to improve blood supply to the heart muscles.
Our team has some of the most experienced and qualified medical professions who have rich and diverse knowledge about the various heart treatments such as ESMR.
Why is ESMR called a non-invasive treatment?
During the ESMR therapy, the formation of new natural blood vessels takes place, which significantly improves the supply of oxygenated blood to the part of the heart that is affected without a surgery.
Hence, the ESMR treatment is called a non-invasive treatment No surgery is involved.
What is the duration of the treatment?
The duration of the treatment is around 20-30 minutes, and the patient should be present for a total of nine sessions spanning for nine weeks.
What are you likely to experience during the ESMR treatment?
At the time of the treatment, you may experience a tingling sensation in the area of the body that was treated. Apart from that, you will not experience any discomfort or pain.
Which other medical discipline makes use of shock wave technology?
At present, the shock wave technology is widely used in the Urology field to break kidney stones and in the Orthopedic field to treat soft tissue and bone injuries.
What are the advantages of ESMR over other surgeries?
Some of the advantages of ESMR over bypass surgery, stenting, and Angioplasty surgery include.
- Painless
- Non-invasive
- No major risks
- No anesthesia required
- Outpatient procedure
- No retreatment limitations
- No sedatives needed
What are the side-effects of EMSR?
At present, there have been no reports of long-term or acute side-effects.
EMSR is one of the best and effective treatments for Myocardial Revascularization. Further, patients can avoid angioplasty bypass surgery with EMSR as it is a non-invasive treatment.
Our team has rich and diverse expertise in this field and administered the health of hundreds of patients using ESMR therapy. Our objective is to ensure every patient receives the most effective treatments at affordable prices. We at Poona preventive cardiology center offer the best ESMR treatment in India.