EMRT Therapy

Electromagnetic Regeneration Therapy (EMRT)
Electromagnetic Regeneration Therapy (EMRT) treatment is a form of electromagnetic therapy that helps treat damages in intervertebral discs, ligaments, cartilage, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and also mismatched joint of broken bones. It reduces incidental pain by stimulating the natural healing power of the body. It can also delay or eliminate the need for surgery in patients with chronic joint disorders.
At Poona Preventive Cardiology Centre, we offer scientifically recognized EMRT treatments to patients who wish to relieve pain and other symptoms without exercise or surgery.
How Does EMRT Work?
With the perfect blend of conventional and modern medical techniques, it induces the body to cure its tissue damage on its own by replicating its natural electrical pulse signals. Unlike traditional magnetic therapy, these magnetic fields facilitate the smooth passage of electrical pulses to reach the injured tissue and allow effective repair and recovery.
Benefits of EMRT Treatment
The foremost benefit of this therapy is its non-invasive nature. With next to no side effects, it is rapidly gaining popularity for treating osteoarthritis. Several medical research studies have confirmed that EMRT treatment effectively treats 80% and 65% of the early and advanced stage conditions of osteoarthritis. Moreover, all the risks and expenses associated with surgery are eliminated to a great extent.
Treatment duration
Our expert therapists offer planned EMRT treatment in a span of 9 to 12 sessions, each one lasting for an hour. Our EMRT therapists at PPCC provide excellent arthritis treatment in Pune and facilitate gradual relief from joint pains.
If You’re looking for nonsurgical treatments for osteoarthritis in Pune, our doctors at PPCC provide excellent therapy through EMRT to manage its symptoms. We also offer customized remedies for damaged ligament structures and back pain treatment in Pune.

Need A Doctor For Heart Check-Up?
PPCC offers scientifically guided and proven nonsurgical techniques to reverse coronary heart disease with modern medical treatments, combined with personalized modifications in diet, lifestyle, and stress reduction programs.