Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
Erectile dysfunction is defined as the ability to sustain only brief erections or the inability to achieve and maintain a firm erection to have sexual intercourse. On a few occasions, it is also referred to as impotence. This abnormality is mainly caused due to physical problems like vasculogenic ED conditions that cause low blood flow towards the penis or psychological issues such as depression and stress. Poona Preventive Cardiology Center (PPCC) has come up with a nonsurgical, painless Erectile dysfunction treatment in Pune that offers effective results within a few therapy sessions.
How it works
It is grossly estimated that around one-third of the men in the age group of 40 -70 are affected with erectile dysfunction. In most cases, vasculogenic ED is responsible for the problem. Doctors at PPCC try to increase the blood flow in the penis by providing mildly intensive shockwaves to the affected area. These shockwaves, similar to ultrasonic waves, stimulate and induce the tissues to develop new micro blood vessels and thereby increase the blood flow to the erectile tissue. The results of this treatment are significantly successful as the majority of the patients affected with erectile dysfunction due to vasculogenic ED have started achieving quality erections.
Treatment Procedure
The treatment involves low-intensity shockwaves (similar to ultrasound waves). Shockwaves emerging from the ED Machine focus on the treatment area, stimulating the treated tissue to grow new micro blood vessels. This improved microvessel network increases the blood supply to the erectile tissue resulting in an improved erection.
How Successful Is The Shockwave Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction?
This line of treatment has provided good results for patients in both initial and severe stages of dysfunction. Many patients in initial stages of dysfunction (who were able to achieve an erection with the help of 5-Phosphodiesterase inhibitors) were successfully cured through this painless treatment. Subsequently, they were able to achieve erections without medications. Whereas in the case of patients in the advanced stage of dysfunction (who were not able to achieve erection even with the help of 5-Phosphodiesterase inhibitors), more than two-thirds were cured and enabled to lead a healthy sex life with the use of inhibitors.
Am I A Candidate For Treatment?
It is vital to determine the actual reason behind your erectile dysfunction as this treatment is primarily for patients with vasculogenic ED. Hence, comprehensive consultations, physical examinations, and clinical screening tests need to be conducted to judge your candidacy for shockwave therapy.
Treatment Duration
As mentioned earlier, it is a non-invasive and painless treatment. Hence the treatment is provided as an outpatient procedure in six sessions that are spread over three weeks. Each session lasts for around 30 minutes. After completing the full treatment cycle, it is necessary to undergo routine follow up for further assessments.
Is Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Safe?
The word shock wave therapy sounds painful, but contrarily, it is absolutely painless procedure with minimal side effects. Patients can immediately return to their routine work after the completion of each session.
The distinct advantage of treatment through shockwaves is that it does not have any recurring costs of medicines. While all other medications and injections treat the symptoms, shockwave therapy addresses the underlying problem of penile blood flow. Hence, the results are long-lasting and even permanent due to the restoration of the natural function of the penis.
If you’re looking for the most effective erectile dysfunction treatment in Pune, do not hesitate further and contact our expert doctors at PPCC.

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