Dr. Jyotsna Patil on How to Prevent Heart Problems Naturally Through Diet and Exercise

In a lecture series organized by the ‘Omkareshwar Yogopachar Kendra’ on the occasion of ‘Guru Purnima’, Dr. Jyostna Patil, Director of Poona Preventive Cardiology Centre, delivered an enlightening lecture on the topic of ‘Controlling Heart diseases, Diabetes, and Preventive Cardiology’. In the past twelve years, she has been successfully treating patients with various heart diseases […]
Can We Avoid Angioplasty & Bypass Surgery?

Whenever we hear about heart treatment, we think about surgical procedures such as Bypass surgery or replacement surgery. We always assume that heart problems can get fixed only through operations and surgeries. People always say that the medical field has made tremendous progress and came so far in the past few years. However, very few […]
What Is Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial Revascularization( ESMR)

What is ESMR? Extracorporeal shockwave myocardial revascularization or ESMR is a new Non-invasive therapy that uses extracorporeal shockwave technology to improve the blood’s supply to the heart. The conventional revascularization therapies, such as bypass surgery are unable to access ischemic myocardial areas. However, ESMR therapy offers the best solution to treat and overcome the symptoms […]
Preventive Cardiology – Treatment and Rehabilitation Program

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death, especially in women. Many suffer from hereditary cause (family history of heart disease) and may obtain it due to their lifestyle changes. Punechelation receives thousand of heart disease cases every year. Irrespective of their severity, any form of heart condition must get addressed immediately […]