The Benefits of EECP Treatment: A Non-Invasive Solution for Heart Health
Heart disease remains to remain world’s top cause of mortality, and is resulting in ongoing study and development of treatments that can enhance patient outcomes

Can We Avoid Angioplasty and Bypass Surgery
Whenever we hear about heart treatment, we think about surgical procedures such as Bypass surgery or replacement surgery. We always assume that heart problems can

Avoid Angioplasty and Bypass: A Comprehensive Approach to Heart Health with Poona Preventive Cardiology Centre
In today’s fast-paced world, heart disease has become one of the most common and life-threatening health issues. The increasing prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and lifestyle

Natural Bypass Therapy: How EECP Treatment Can Alleviate Your Heart Blockages
In a world where heart disease stands as a significant challenge, claiming lives on a global scale, the pursuit of non-invasive treatments has become essential.

Reviving Your Heart: Best Non-Surgical Ways to Treat Heart Blockages
When it comes to our hearts, blockages can be a big worry. In the past, surgeries were often the main solution, but now, we have

A glimmer of hope is shining in the medical sector of India. It is known as ‘Poona Preventive Cardiology Center’. An endeavour committed to treating