The recent rising level of autism among children is distressing and the frustration among parents is compounded when regular treatment does not respond. Is there any viable solution? Yes, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the answer. HBOT has evolved over the years and can be treated not only on decompression sickness but also for various conditions including autism. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy Pune comes as an alternative treatment for autism and has proven to deliver huge improvement in speech, behavior, communication and also in cognitive awareness. So how is this possible and how it works?

HBOT uses 100% pure oxygen. This oxygen therapy generally takes place in a chamber where the pressure is maintained at a higher level than the normal atmospheric level. So the quantum of availability of oxygen gets increased, which in turn helps the blood flow to supply ten times more oxygen to the places of necessity. The high levels of oxygen in blood flow hasten the healing procedure and aid in the treatment.

We are all aware of the fact that occurrence of autism is attributed to critical disorders in brain. Brain requires extra blood flow to generate speech or perform any other simple task. This additional requirement of blood is attributed to the fact that brain needs oxygen in blood to derive energy and perform tasks. Unfortunately for the kids affected with autism, the main problem arises when the blood flow gets diminished and deprives them of the additional oxygen to perform easy tasks such as speaking few sentences. HBOT provides an excellent opportunity to increase the oxygen level in brain and thereby repair the cells. HBOT works in autism by following ways:

HBOT does not provide instantaneous results; more sessions are required for achieving noticeable results. The expert doctors at the clinic who have treated autistic patients are absolutely confident and they have observed improvements in the child after completing few sessions. Some of the improvements that have been achieved are –

The treatment usually lasts for one hour in the chamber where the patient receives 100% pure oxygen. To notice improvements, the treatment demands multiple sessions for the initial few weeks. By closely observing the results, the expert doctors at our medical centre decide upon the further course of treatment sessions.

HBOT helps in maximum utilization of oxygen by brain and thereby respond positively to the treatment. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy also helps in treating cerebral palsy and Epilepsy in kids. The treatment procedure is natural and safe when it is diagnosed and carried out under the supervision of expert doctors. Poona preventive cardiology centre is a leading clinic for hHyperbaric oxygen therapy in Pune , India and our doctors are experienced in providing this fabulous oxygen therapy to hasten the healing process.

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