There are six fundamental causes of heart disease: 1. Growing age 2. Dietary habits 3. Diabetes or Hypertension 4. Mental stress 5. Pollution Some of these factors are controllable, and some are not. Like increasing age cannot be controlled as it occurs naturally and irreversibly. However, a person’s mentality can always be maintained young. We generally see that with growing responsibilities and social pressure, a person’s mind loses its youthful excitement and a risk-taking attitude making way for negativity, stress, depression, and adverse effects on the heart and its coronary arteries. Hence, It is essential to keep your mind and thoughts young irrespective of your age.
Overall health doesn’t simply mean maintaining the physical aspects of our body, but it also involves mental, social, and spiritual aspects of our lives. It is observed that there is a substantial lack of awareness about mental stress in our society. Mental stress is the only disorder in this world which cannot be measured or scaled. Any yet, there is no human in this world who doesn’t suffer from mental stress in their life. Dating back to our ancestors, even cavemen lived in mental stress of hiding from predators and hunting for food. Hence, today, we will discuss the various causes, symptoms and management of mental stress in detail, and learn how to eliminate it from our routine lives.
What are the Causes and Symptoms of Mental Stress?
Many-a-times, some physical problems seem to cause unforeseen mental stress. On the contrary, mental stress leads to various physical problems. Diabetes, hypertension, sleep deprivation or psoriasis may be primarily caused by mental stress.
Stress is also known to increase one’s hunger. As our brain consumes the maximum part of glucose, a stressful mind will demand more food intake to balance the glucose levels. You can also observe that a mentally stressed person also develops abnormal symptoms such as attentive disorder, hyperactivity, impulsive movements, Type A personality, etc. A more common cause of stress for most of us is physical disorders, either of our own or someone in the family. This is followed by family pressure, frequent quarrels over financial and social disagreements and lifestyle changes. Our lifestyle today forces us to spend less time with our family and more with the mundane world. This fact either directly or indirectly plants the seed of stress in our lives.How to Manage Stress?
Learn to Identify and acknowledge Your Stress
To solve any problem, the essential first step is to recognize the fact that it exists. Try and identify the subjects and objects which cause stress. Try to analyze your mental, emotional and social conditions. Hence, if you realize that you suffer from mental stress, do not deny it. Remember that your materialistic problems can have multiple solutions, but mental stress has only a few. In fact, simply realizing that you are stressed due to a specific problem solves 50% of that problem.
2.Try and Solve Your Problems Rationally
Once the problem is identified, try to look for rational solutions which would not lead to any further stress. You may have to work extra hard to get such a solution but never forget your physical, mental and financial limits in the process. If you overdo yourself in any of these aspects, it will only cause further stress.
3.Learn to Shun the Problems Which are Impossible to Solve:
There are problems which are beyond your control, and the only right solution to such problems is to avoid them. Trying to solve an unsolvable problem will only cause immense stress and anxiety, like trying to change other people’s mindset, for example.
Take a family quarrel for an example. In India, a disagreement among family members is a common thing. These disagreements always lead to higher mental stress as everyone lives together under one roof. Now, in this case, avoiding physical encounters or continuing a vengeful attitude isn’t going to solve anything.The key solution here is to accept the present reality, to forget what happened in the past, to avoid thinking of what would happen in the future, and accept the current scenario. The only plausible solution is to either talk and resolve your issues or accept its impossibility and move on. Hence, once you know the problem to be unsolvable, let it go and try to move on with your life.