Looking for some ways of heart treatment without surgery? Here are a few of them

We may encounter several diseases in a lifetime, but anything related to our hearts makes us worried and anxious. We all want to enjoy a healthy heart that happily beats 60 to 100 times a minute! Unfortunately, age, our lifestyle, or some traumatic incidents may slow down the functioning of our heart condition, and heart […]
Heart Treatment Without Surgery

Heart and vascular care specialists at Poona Preventive Cardiology Center provide a variety of proven non-surgical treatments for heart disease. An important part of our success is tailoring strategies that meet the specific needs of patients. Therefore, it is important to have someone there to help you achieve your goals. Listed below are some treatments […]
6 Paramount Steps Towards A Healthy & Joyful Living In The 21st Century – by Dr Jyotsna Patil

Our cultural beliefs teach us to spend more time nurturing our kids, so they spend more time nurturing us in old age. But I’d rather modify this belief to say that one should spend more time nurturing their body so that it nurtures your wellbeing in old age. From the moment we become self-aware and […]