EECP therapy—An Effective Natural Alternative To Heart Bypass Surgery

When the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart get blocked, it causes the following problems: Severe chest pain Shortness of breath when at rest Excessive Shortness of breath while walking Tiredness Usually, physicians treat coronary artery blockages with medicines, angioplasty, and stent or bypass surgery. Though there have been advancements in these treatments, […]
Can We Avoid Angioplasty & Bypass Surgery?

Whenever we hear about heart treatment, we think about surgical procedures such as Bypass surgery or replacement surgery. We always assume that heart problems can get fixed only through operations and surgeries. People always say that the medical field has made tremendous progress and came so far in the past few years. However, very few […]
The Benefits of EECP Treatment

Technological advancements and innovations in the medical field continue to open the floodgates for modern and effective treatments. In the last couple of decades, enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) has gained attention worldwide due to its non-invasive nature. EECP is a non-invasive therapy that is also known as a natural bypass to treat coronary diseases and […]
Non-Invasive Treatment for Heart Disease | PPCC

At the outset, let us begin with a very simple question – How many of you know about Chelation therapy ? The reality is many of you would not even heard about this phrase till now and hence are completely unaware of the wonderful services and benefits it can render. Chelation therapy is not based […]
How EECP Gives Relief From Chest Pain or Angina?

What is EECP? EECP also known as Enhanced External Counter Pulsation is a nonsurgical treatment for chest pain used for those who are suffering from chest pain or angina. When all other treatments and medication fail to resolve the pain and discomfort of the patient, then EECP is used as a last resort to reduce […]