Non-Invasive Treatment for Heart Disease | PPCC

At the outset, let us begin with a very simple question – How many of you know about Chelation therapy ? The reality is many of you would not even heard about this phrase till now and hence are completely unaware of the wonderful services and benefits it can render. Chelation therapy is not based […]
How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can be uUsed To Treat Cardiovascular Disease

What is How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a process in which a person is kept in a body chambers with a regulated and controlled atmospheric pressure, in this, the person inhales 100% oxygen wherein the healing process of the body increases. In HBOT therapy excessive oxygen is pumped into the body […]
EECP therapy is an Effective Natural Alternative To Heart Bypass Surgery
When the coronary arteries that carry blood supply to the heart get blocked, it causes the following problems: Severe chest pain Shortness of breath when at rest Excessive Shortness of breath while walking Tiredness < Usually, the physicians treat the blockage of the coronary artery with the help of medicines, angioplasty, and stent or bypass […]
High BP -Diabetic Patients Are At Risk of Heart Diseases
There is a strong and high correlation between heart diseases and diabetes. In fact, diabetic patients with high blood pressure are at a high risk of heart diseases. Among all the organs in our body, the heart is at a greater risk because of the problem of high BP and diabetes. The main function of […]
5 Dieting Tips To Help Reduce Cholesterol
Are you having high cholesterol problem? Take care as your heart is at risk. Presences of too much cholesterol in your blood causes a heart disease called atherosclerosis. The cholesterol builds up on the walls of your arteries which becomes narrow. This leads to slow flow of blood to the heart muscle or blocked. It […]
How Can I Prevent Heart Disease ? : Stroke Prevention
Coronary heart disease and stroke occurs when blood flow gets restricted due to the plaque build up in the walls of arteries. This plaque may develop into clot and result in heart attack. When the supply of blood to the brain is blocked, the cells in the starts to die due to insufficient blood and […]
Necessities or Need of Preventive Cardiology
The main goal of any Preventive Cardiologist is to avert heart attacks and strokes. Initially it may seem to be an easy task to prevent them. The following are the major causes for vascular disease Smoking Diabetes High blood pressure High levels of cholesterol Genetics What is Preventive Cardiology? It is an integral part of […]
Alternative Treatment for Heart Block / Coronary Vessels block
These pursuant effects on muscle of necessarily occurring dietary substances that are times for neurotransmitters raised the gingival possibility that pathological phenomena could be advised in the treatment of age diseases. The ileum is bad notwithstanding cm viagra pills from the ileocoecal valve and the latter portion of the ileum is called to the gastric […]