How ESMR Treatment Helps To Treat Heart Blockage

ESMR stands for Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial Revascularization. Sometimes, it is also referred to as Noninvasive Cardiac Angiogenesis therapy. ESMR treatment is a new noninvasive approach of Extracorporeal Shockwave technology for revascularization, i.e., to improve the blood supply to heart muscles. Ischemic myocardial areas aren’t accessible by conventional revascularization therapies like Bypass surgery or Balloon Angioplasty. […]
What Is Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial Revascularization( ESMR)

What is ESMR? Extracorporeal shockwave myocardial revascularization or ESMR is a new Non-invasive therapy that uses extracorporeal shockwave technology to improve the blood’s supply to the heart. The conventional revascularization therapies, such as bypass surgery are unable to access ischemic myocardial areas. However, ESMR therapy offers the best solution to treat and overcome the symptoms […]
Non-Invasive Treatment for Heart Disease | PPCC

At the outset, let us begin with a very simple question – How many of you know about Chelation therapy ? The reality is many of you would not even heard about this phrase till now and hence are completely unaware of the wonderful services and benefits it can render. Chelation therapy is not based […]
Signs that show you are at high risk of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem among men of various age groups. But is it generally considered to be a problem with men of middle age and older. It is the inability to achieve an erection of firmness for the sexual intercourse, it is also known as the cause of impotence. It happens mostly when […]
How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can be uUsed To Treat Cardiovascular Disease

What is How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a process in which a person is kept in a body chambers with a regulated and controlled atmospheric pressure, in this, the person inhales 100% oxygen wherein the healing process of the body increases. In HBOT therapy excessive oxygen is pumped into the body […]
How EECP Gives Relief From Chest Pain or Angina?

What is EECP? EECP also known as Enhanced External Counter Pulsation is a nonsurgical treatment for chest pain used for those who are suffering from chest pain or angina. When all other treatments and medication fail to resolve the pain and discomfort of the patient, then EECP is used as a last resort to reduce […]
Chiropractic Treatments To Lower Knee Pain
Do you know that most of those who seek alternative treatment for Knee pains opt for chiropractic treatment? It is found effective not only for lower back pain, but also for the treatment of herniated disc, neck pains & knee pains. What exactly is this chiropractic treatment? Is it dependable? Well, an expert doctor of […]
ESMR Therapy : A New Non-Surgical Therapy To Avoid Angioplasty & Bypass Surgery

Coronary artery disease is slowly engulfing the lives of people across all ages and walks of life. Is there any way to deal this menace apart from angioplasty and Bypass surgery? Yes, alternative therapies are very much available and the good news is that it is absolutely non-invasive and safe. What is it? Extracorporeal Shockwave […]
High BP -Diabetic Patients Are At Risk of Heart Diseases
There is a strong and high correlation between heart diseases and diabetes. In fact, diabetic patients with high blood pressure are at a high risk of heart diseases. Among all the organs in our body, the heart is at a greater risk because of the problem of high BP and diabetes. The main function of […]
5 Dieting Tips To Help Reduce Cholesterol
Are you having high cholesterol problem? Take care as your heart is at risk. Presences of too much cholesterol in your blood causes a heart disease called atherosclerosis. The cholesterol builds up on the walls of your arteries which becomes narrow. This leads to slow flow of blood to the heart muscle or blocked. It […]